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Below are both the original Pitchdeck and the more detailed Pitch Document (both in German, both PDF) that were used to pitch the game in class.

Lettuce Inn is a pitchdeck for a game concept that was concieved in 2020. It was one of 2 concepts that was made for university classes with the topics "War" and "Peace" respectively. The other concept unfortunately never made it to fruition. Lettuce Inn however developed into two seperate projects. Due to internal team issues, Lettuce Inn was made in roundabout 7 weeks (next to another project and university classes).


Lettuce Inn, formerly called Soft-Apocalypse-Simulator (SoAp-Sim) by me, started as an exercise in creating pitch documents with which other people would be able to develop a game. Over the course of the semester, the team split up, however, and two different games came to be. Both of which are available on


All Art Assets for Lettuce Inn are made by Beatrix Dehmel and the game OASIS was made by Dominik Bade.

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